Training & Talent Management Systems Provider

NAMC Blended Training Benefits

How does the NAMC training program differ from other programs?

 Three important differences–Quality, Reliability and ROI.

1.  NAMC blended training is higher quality and more responsive to your training needs than other solutions.

  • The NAMC training program provides real time flexibility to meet client needs by being constantly updated with new course content and adding custom content for your training group at no extra charge!
  • The NAMC program uses only University level training faculty with real world business experience, current expertise in the subject area, and experience in adult online training.
  • The NAMC program provides learners with ongoing access to the course content, the faculty, and other members of the training group through our Private Talent Networks.

2. NAMC online training is reliably delivered to your trainees as SaaS from our secure and dedicated servers.

  • The NAMC training classes are securely delivered anywhere and anytime via the Internet to any web enabled device
  • The NAMC system provides 99% up-time for class delivery with system upgrades and maintenance scheduled well in advance.
  • The NAMC online training system has 24×7 customer support via Chat, telephone, and email.

3. NAMC training costs less and has higher Return On Investment (ROI) than other solutions

  • The NAMC blended learning program typically costs only $100 per trainee per class.
  • The NAMC blended learning program requires none of your onsite resources for training, other than the employees’ own computers. No set-up time, tracking, or other commitment from your meeting support staff and is flexible enough to not interrupt your employees’ daily work schedule.
  • The NAMC Private Learning Network approach increases employee engagement to learn, increases transfer of training to the job, and provides the tools needed to continue learning and evaluation; all of which add significantly to the ROI for NAMC training.