Training & Talent Management Systems Provider

Competency Modeling

Competency Modeling

A thorough and systematic job profiling process underlies all valid, effective, and legally defensible talent management systems. The NAMC job profiling process uses subject matter experts (SME) who are familiar with the target job and how it should optimally be performed to complete a standardized questionnaire that systematically identifies the competencies essential for successful job performance, based on a robust competency model.  For this process, NAMC uses the PointLeader Competency Profiler (PCP), a 20-minute online job analysis questionnaire.  The scored responses from the PCP are combined with aligned archival O*NET competency importance ratings for similar jobs to identify the critical competencies for a job.  The results are used to create a job competency profile that provides input for all other personnel decision-making processes, including selection, placement, training, career development, leadership identification, and team building.

Comparing Critical Competencies for JobsTwo job profile comparison

To be useful, our job competency profiling approach must be valid, that is, it consistently provides results that show how jobs are meaningfully alike and/or different.  For example, two job competency profiles from a recent NAMC project are presented here to highlight the differences between two very different jobs as identified by our approach.

This is one example of the validity of the NAMC job competency profiling approach.  Our partners at PointLeader have conducted large scale validation studies of how well their tools work for this purpose across jobs, occupations, and industries.  Technical reports of these studies are available on request.

What benefits have NAMC clients realized from our competency modeling services?

NAMC has conducted competency modeling as a part of their services to several clients.  In most cases, the PointLeader Competency Profiler has been included as part of the service.   Our competency modeling has helped these clients and others:

  • Identified cross-cultural differences in critical leadership competencies between Native American Tribal Business leaders and leaders in mainstream US corporations.
  • Provided a more efficient and useful method for modeling job competencies and measuring performance for a large municipal government Comptroller.
  • Identified critical competencies for physician leader jobs for a large hospital management group
  • Evaluated the critical competencies that underlie leadership decision-making performance of nuclear power plant operators.
  • Identified the job competencies underlying safety risks and absenteeism for a multinational tire manufacturing company.
  • Reduced the number of job titles at a large Native American casino from over 500 to less than 100 based on job competency study.
  • Provided job competency profiles and performance measures for Tribal Police Chief, Officer, and Casino Security Guard jobs in order to meet BIA performance evaluation guidelines.
  • Used job competency profiling study to create seven job families from 42 job titles in a multi-site mental healthcare organization to provide a basis for compensation banding.

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